The Sleeping Beauty

- meaning of Symbolon card and archetype -

dreaming, longing, illusions, intuition,  oblivion, waiting
Interpretation of the card:
A woman lies in a glass coffin and waits. Everyone knows that she is alive, but because she has been cursed, she is separated from life until the end of her days. The rose hedge deters all people from approaching the glass coffin, thus making the woman untouchable. Lying in the coffin, she dreams that a hand descends from the clouds (from the Sky of Desires), takes her hand, and leads her home.

Astrological Sign: Cancer/Pisces ︱ Planet: Moon/Neptune
The meaning of the Sleeping Beauty Symbolon card
1) As a single or first card The problem
You are currently homeless and defenseless, waiting. The unborn child within you has been discovered and your current circumstances do not feel like your true home. Your desires are stirring, but there is no one who can fulfill them fully. This can bring both sweet pain and great suffering, causing you to feel buried. Unfortunately, this feeling cannot be changed, only endured.
​​​​​​​2) As the next cardWay through the problem
Although you feel lonely, you must understand that heaven can only communicate with you through your feelings of loneliness. Focus more on your inner self, pay attention to your dreams and take fantasy trips, so that you can receive your inner messages more clearly. Your search will be in vain if you continue to look for answers in the external world.
3) as the last card︱​​​​​​​Result
You have discovered that besides the observable world, there is also a deeper, intangible realm and you have found a guide to this realm. This guide, named "intuition," will reveal to you the marvels of the afterlife and alleviate your feelings of solitude.
Learn to use the Symbolon cards:
Unlock the power of self-discovery and understanding with Symbolon cards. This unique card deck not only helps you with self-development, but also provides insight into your astrological makeup. Whether you're looking to gain a deeper understanding of yourself or use the cards for divination, Symbolon cards are a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. 
Source: Peter Orban - Thea Weller - Ingrid Zinnel: Symbolon

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