The Jester

- meaning of Symbolon card and archetype -

the saviour, freedom, the outsider, "true" hero, the lone wolf, carelessness, foolishness
Interpretation of the card:
 The figure of the king, like a puppet, hangs lifelessly from the sack of the jester. He no longer needs the king, who rules over people with the games of his ego and keeps them enslaved. The jester walks without worry and cheerfully towards an undefined future. The lightning symbolizing thought shines brightly above him, promising spontaneity and surprises. For centuries, the court fool has been recognized by his colorful clothes, as only this clown's costume protects him from becoming a fool against his own will. He consciously chose this costume.

Astrological Sign: Aquarius ︱ Planet: Uranus
The meaning of the Jester Symbolon card
1) As a single or first card The problem
You have forgotten the true meaning of freedom. You may believe that breaking free from your current enslavement is the solution, yet you remain powerless in the face of external circumstances. However, the message of the Jester is clear: to find a way out, you must first navigate through the situation both mentally and spiritually, allowing for growth and liberation.
​​​​​​​2) As the next cardWay through the problem
Try to rise above your current complications and view them from a distance. On the road to freedom, you must let go of your present difficulties, even if it seems impossible to you at the moment. Attempt to connect with the Jester within you and learn to laugh at yourself.
3) as the last card︱​​​​​​​Result
Due to circumstances, you have been freed from your unnecessary patterns and outdated situation. Your development process has given you wings, without you even noticing. So, fly!
Learn to use the Symbolon cards:
Unlock the power of self-discovery and understanding with Symbolon cards. This unique card deck not only helps you with self-development, but also provides insight into your astrological makeup. Whether you're looking to gain a deeper understanding of yourself or use the cards for divination, Symbolon cards are a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. 
Source: Peter Orban - Thea Weller - Ingrid Zinnel: Symbolon

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