- love
- couple
- euphoria
- happiness in the relationship
- union of opposites
- dependence on the relationship
Zodiac Sign: Leo/Libra
Ruler: Sun/Venus
The Wedding card captures a couple shortly after their wedding ceremony in a church, radiating happiness as they face their future together. They are surrounded by children tossing flowers, symbolizing the beginning of their blissful journey. The red carpet signifies an absence of current problems, reflecting a harmonious state of love and unity between their egos.
The warrior's forward gaze signifies his unwavering focus on the challenges that lie ahead, emphasizing the importance of not dwelling on past victories or losses. His vigilance and readiness for action are paramount, as looking back would only serve to distract him from potential dangers and new opportunities. The positioning of his sword in relation to his body intentionally evokes a phallic shape, highlighting the archetype's association with masculine energies and the primal drive for power and dominance.
Interpretation Within The Three-Card Spread
1. First Card
The Problem
What is the subject?
The challenge lies in finding happiness within yourself rather than relying on others for it. Love should be an authentic and mutual exchange, not a transaction or dependence. Before seeking love from another, it is crucial to discover and nurture love for yourself. This self-love will naturally foster genuine and healthy relationships with others.
2. Next Card
Way Through the Problem
How to deal with it?
Your journey involves collaboration and making joint plans with another person. While the path may be illuminated by the presence of a partner, it is essential to navigate this journey together, respecting each individual's journey towards finding the way of the heart. The union is supported by positive influences, though it will still require effort and understanding.
3. Last Card
The Result
Where does it lead?
- This stage represents a pivotal moment in your journey where love becomes a key to unlocking new experiences and growth. The bond with your partner serves as a valuable source of support and guidance. Together, you will progress towards self-discovery and a shared destination, hand in hand.
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Online Video Course Preview
Watch a short video preview of The Wedding Symbolon Card! This sneak peek is part of our online course where you can dive deeper into the Symbolon Card deck and explore its rich meanings and insights.
Card of the day meaning
Let's explore the meaning of this card if you draw it as the Card of the Day.
Drawing The Wedding as your Card of the Day suggests a focus on love and relationships. It highlights the importance of self-love and the mutual exchange in relationships. Embrace the support and connection of your partner, and recognize that your shared journey is an opportunity for growth and discovery.
Journaling prompts
Use these questions as journaling prompts for the Warrior Symbolon card and explore the insights they reveal:
- How can I cultivate and nurture love for myself before seeking it from others?
- In what ways can I contribute to a balanced and mutual relationship with my partner?
- What joint plans or goals can we pursue to strengthen our bond?
- How can I recognize and appreciate the support my partner provides in our shared journey?
- What steps can I take to ensure that our relationship remains a source of growth and joy for both of us?