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The Sleeping Beauty

Pisces Moon / Cancer Neptune Archetype

The Sleeping Beauty Symbolon Card Pisces Moon Cancer Neptune Achetype


  • dreaming
  • longing
  • illusions
  • intuition
  • oblivion
  • waiting

Zodiac Sign: Cancer/Pisces

Ruler: Moon/Neptune


The Sleeping Beauty card depicts a woman lying in a glass coffin, waiting for something that feels eternally out of reach. Though she is alive, she is cursed to remain in this state of limbo until the end of time. The rose hedge surrounding her coffin represents barriers that keep others away, making her untouchable and isolated. In her dreams, a hand descends from the clouds, symbolizing the Sky of Desires, reaching out to guide her home.

3-card spread divination Symbolon Cards

Interpretation Within The Three-Card Spread

1. First Card

The Problem

What is the subject?

You are in a state of waiting and emotional vulnerability, feeling disconnected from your true self and from a sense of belonging. Your desires and longings are strong, but there is no immediate way to fulfill them, leading to a sense of suffering and being buried under the weight of unfulfilled dreams. This situation cannot be changed instantly but must be endured as part of your current phase.

2. Next Card

Way Through the Problem

How to deal with it?

Even though you feel isolated, it’s important to recognize that this period of solitude allows for communication from deeper realms. Focus on your inner self, paying close attention to your dreams and allowing yourself to explore your imagination and inner visions. Answers and guidance will come from within rather than from external sources. Embrace this time as an opportunity to connect with your intuition and inner wisdom.

3. Last Card

The Result

Where does it lead?

  1. By delving into your inner world and embracing the guidance of intuition, you will discover a deeper, intangible realm beyond the observable world. This new understanding will help alleviate your feelings of solitude and bring a sense of connection and insight. You will find that your inner guide can reveal wonders and offer comfort, leading you to a new sense of belonging and understanding.

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Online Video Course

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Online Video Course Preview

Watch a short video preview of The Sleeping Beauty Symbolon Card! This sneak peek is part of our online course where you can dive deeper into the Symbolon Card deck and explore its rich meanings and insights.

Card of the day meaning

Let's explore the meaning of this card if you draw it as the Card of the Day.

Drawing The Sleeping Beauty as your Card of the Day suggests that you are in a phase of waiting and introspection. It indicates that you may feel isolated or disconnected from your desires and sense of belonging. Use this time to turn inward and explore your dreams and intuitions. Embrace the solitude as a period of inner growth and discovery, and trust that your inner guide will help you navigate this period.

Journaling prompts

Use these questions as journaling prompts for the Sleeping Beauty Symbolon card and explore the insights they reveal:

  • In what areas of my life am I feeling isolated or disconnected?
  • How can I better connect with my inner self and my dreams?
  • What insights or guidance can my intuition offer me during this period of waiting?
  • How can I embrace this time of solitude as an opportunity for inner growth?
  • What longings or desires are surfacing in my dreams, and how can I honor them?