- loss of the ego
- contemplation
- insignificance
- existential crisis
- meditation
Zodiac Sign: Leo/Pisces
Ruler: Sun/Neptune
The Retreat card features a figure reminiscent of Buddha, sitting in a serene posture on a small throne with a halo of light around the head. The surroundings are desolate and empty, emphasizing a lack of external control or influence. The figure’s closed eyes suggest an inward journey, reflecting on the vast, uncharted realm beyond the ego's confines. This card symbolizes a profound stage of introspection and the acceptance of one's insignificance in the grand scheme.
Interpretation Within The Three-Card Spread
1. First Card
The Problem
What is the subject?
You are currently experiencing a phase where the external world seems barren and devoid of meaning. There is a sense of detachment from roles and responsibilities, and nothing seems to hold significance. This period of emptiness is not due to any personal failure or fault but is simply a state of being where you must learn to accept the desolation. Embrace this pause and recognize it as a necessary part of your journey.
2. Next Card
Way Through the Problem
How to deal with it?
During this time of existential emptiness, it is crucial to practice acceptance and surrender. Rather than trying to control or change your situation, allow yourself to be carried by the currents of life. This period of "non-action" is a lesson in letting go and trusting that forces beyond your control are at work. Focus on meditation and introspection rather than external achievements or interventions.
3. Last Card
The Result
Where does it lead?
- Through this period of retreat and introspection, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the universe. By turning inward and embracing the state of non-action, you will discover that true solutions and insights come from within. This process will diminish the ego's hold and expand your awareness, leading to significant personal growth and a more profound sense of existence.
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Online Video Course Preview
Watch a short video preview of The Retreat Symbolon Card! This sneak peek is part of our online course where you can dive deeper into the Symbolon Card deck and explore its rich meanings and insights.
Card of the day meaning
Let's explore the meaning of this card if you draw it as the Card of the Day.
Drawing The Retreat as your Card of the Day suggests that you are entering a period of necessary introspection and detachment. It’s a time to embrace stillness and accept the current state of emptiness or lack of progress. Use this time for inner reflection and understanding that this phase is an opportunity for deeper self-awareness and spiritual growth.
Journaling prompts
Use these questions as journaling prompts for The Retreat Symbolon card and explore the insights they reveal:
- What aspects of my life feel barren or lacking in meaning right now?
- How can I accept and embrace this period of emptiness without seeking immediate change?
- What lessons can I learn from surrendering control and practicing non-action?
- How can turning inward and focusing on introspection help me find clarity and growth?
- In what ways can I use this time of retreat to enhance my spiritual or personal development?