- compassion
- protection
- care
- worry
- troublesome child
- helper's syndrome
- being overly caring
Zodiac Sign: Cancer/Virgo
Ruler: Moon/Mercury
The Caring Symbolon card features a woman leaning over her child with a gentle but troubled expression. The child, with a tear on his cheek, seems distant and waiting for more affection. The woman’s efforts to show love are not yet fully convincing to the child, who continues to turn away. The image represents a need for deeper emotional connection and acceptance, indicating that the woman has more work to do to reassure the child of her love.
Interpretation Within The Three-Card Spread
1. First Card
The Problem
What is the subject?
You may not be fully acknowledging the need for care and compassion within yourself or towards someone in your life. The person or situation requiring your attention externally is a reflection of your own inner needs. By focusing solely on external demands, you might be neglecting the part of yourself that requires emotional support and attention.
2. Next Card
Way Through the Problem
How to deal with it?
Prioritize your emotional well-being. Attend to your own feelings and inner needs without letting external emotional struggles divert your focus. The inner child within you is seeking recognition and care. Take time to nurture and attend to this part of yourself to address your emotional needs and heal.
3. Last Card
The Result
Where does it lead?
- By tending to your own emotional needs and nurturing the inner child, you achieve a restored and balanced inner relationship. This healing process leads to a sense of self-sufficiency and reduced fear or helplessness, as you have learned to care for yourself effectively.
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Online Video Course Preview
Watch a short video preview of The Caring Symbolon Card! This sneak peek is part of our online course where you can dive deeper into the Symbolon Card deck and explore its rich meanings and insights.
Card of the day meaning
Let's explore the meaning of this card if you draw it as the Card of the Day.
Drawing The Caring card as your Card of the Day suggests a focus on nurturing your own emotional well-being and addressing any unresolved needs within yourself. Reflect on how your own inner child may be seeking attention and care, and prioritize self-compassion.
Journaling prompts
Use these questions as journaling prompts for the Caring Symbolon card and explore the insights they reveal:
- What parts of myself am I currently neglecting or avoiding?
- How can I better address and care for my own emotional needs?
- Are there aspects of my life where I am overextending myself or focusing too much on others?
- What does my inner child need from me right now?
- How can I create a more nurturing and compassionate relationship with myself?
- In what ways can I show myself the love and care that I seek to give to others?